Pursue the well-being of the city I have deported you to.
How it all started...
In the spring of 2013, I received a life-changing call from a friend and mentor suggesting the idea of planting a church in Miami. At first, I was hesitant about moving to Miami-South Florida and starting a church. However, what struck me was that this call came exactly seven days after my wife mentioned the possibility of moving back to South Florida, and I encouraged her to pray about it. The number seven seemed like a potential sign from the Lord indicating something significant.
Shortly after that, representatives from the North American Mission Board and one of their sending churches reached out to me regarding their Send North America initiative, with Miami designated as a Send City. This initiative aimed to send Bible-teaching pastors to major cities to establish new Bible-believing and teaching churches.
Shortly after that, representatives from the North American Mission Board and one of their sending churches reached out to me regarding their Send North America initiative, with Miami designated as a Send City. This initiative aimed to send Bible-teaching pastors to major cities to establish new Bible-believing and teaching churches.

Obedient Leap of Faith...
Over the next year, God burdened my heart for the state of the church and the need for the Gospel's movement in Miami-South Florida. Startling statistics revealed that the region was among the most unchurched areas in the United States, with few claiming to be dedicated, Bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ.
In the summer of 2015, we took the leap and relocated to South Florida to start sharing the vision of the church. The Rock Fellowship Church officially launched in September 2016, initially meeting in the cafeteria of Mater Lakes Academy in northwest Miami-Dade. Later, we moved into a movie theater in Miami Lakes until the COVID-19 shutdown in 2020. During the pandemic, we conducted virtual services and Bible studies for over a year. Finally, in mid-2021, we were able to resume in-person services, holding an afternoon service in one of the buildings of a local church in Miami Lakes.
In the summer of 2015, we took the leap and relocated to South Florida to start sharing the vision of the church. The Rock Fellowship Church officially launched in September 2016, initially meeting in the cafeteria of Mater Lakes Academy in northwest Miami-Dade. Later, we moved into a movie theater in Miami Lakes until the COVID-19 shutdown in 2020. During the pandemic, we conducted virtual services and Bible studies for over a year. Finally, in mid-2021, we were able to resume in-person services, holding an afternoon service in one of the buildings of a local church in Miami Lakes.

Moving Forward...
We are thrilled about The Rock Fellowship Church's journey with God. Our vision is to witness transformative growth in our members, reflecting the image of Jesus Christ. We aspire to spread Christ's love in the community, assisting those in need.
By collaborating with other churches and ministries, we aim to foster unity and have a profound Kingdom impact. We feel challenged and encouraged by Isaiah 43:19 which says, "Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.
By collaborating with other churches and ministries, we aim to foster unity and have a profound Kingdom impact. We feel challenged and encouraged by Isaiah 43:19 which says, "Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.

“Having seen Daryl lead in ministry well I am confident of what God has in store. With an incredible gifting to teach God’s word and a passion for building relationship with people, I am excited to see what God will do through Pastor Daryl Jones and The Rock Fellowship Church in South Florida.”
Dr. Tony Evans, Lead Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship

“I am so grateful for the work of The Rock Fellowship Church in South Florida and Pastor Daryl Jones. We here at Prestonwood believe in his ministry and support this new church plant with our whole heart. If you live in South Florida, I strongly recommend you consider attending this great church.”
Dr. Jack Graham, Lead Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Dr. Jack Graham, Lead Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Be a part of our story...
Connect with us and join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 1:30 pm.